Make It Glass


Who we are

We are an art glass studio specializing in the field of glass fusion. Art glass fusion is the process of heating two different pieces of glass that are melted or fused together. The pieces can be of different shapes or color to achieve the desired effect.

There are 3 different methods in Art glass fusion used in our studio:

Full Fusion

Full fusion is the process of heating two different pieces of glass that become totally integrated although they still maintain certain characteristics in shape or color. This is similar to chocolate chips in a cake.

Tack Fusing

Tack Fusing is heating the glass to the point where two pieces of glass begin to stick together but still maintain certain distinct characteristics. This process is similar to sprinkles on a cupcake.


Slumping is the process of heating a piece of glass on top of a mold until the glass drops or slumps into or over the mold underneath it.